Twas the night before ski season and all through the hill
Not a skier was stirring except some liftie named Bill
The skis were waxed and hung in the rack with care
Dreams that tomorrow no lift lines would be there
The children nestled all warm in their beds
While visions of pow shots danced in their heads
And momma in her toque and me in my cap
Can barely sleep we're all in a flap
When all of the sudden the wind howled at the door
It was starting to snow...and we wanted more!
I arose from my bed I was already woke,
My heart raced fast with the rising stoke
The espresso machine roared to life brewing that black gold,
Caffeine addicted, we like it dark and bold
The kids ate their pancakes and were ready to go
It's time grab our skis and go play in the snow
We loaded our gear and hit the highway
The season is upon us, Off to Big White to play!
Happy Ski Season to all!